Annual Scooters Rally
May 7th
B.A.D.A.S.S – Bikers Against Drowning-Always Swim Safely
Registration 8 AM at – American Legion 10112 Old Town Trail, Ozawkie, KS
Please bring a life jacket to donate! Strap it on your bike! Let us SEE them!
We will leave the Legion by 10:00 AM.
We will be including a stop to deliver our life jackets to the Army Corps Park Ranger at one of our life jacket loaner stations on the lake. We hope to have a photo for KSNT News there!
We will return to the legion to announce the poker winner, the trophy winner, live auction and live band.
Go to Scooters Annual Rally on Facebook for any updates!

Poker Hand $20 (Includes Live Band Cover)POT_$300


Live Band

Our Beautiful Scooter!May 4, 2006 – August 29, 2015