Who we are
The Love Carissa Corporation is a non profit organization, by Carissa’s family, and made possible with the support of friends, donors, volunteers and community. Our hope is to help other families avoid our tragedy. Our main focus here is collaboration with our communities to make swim lessons and life jackets available to everyone regardless of ability to pay. Swim lessons are reported to reduce drowning risk by 88%. Life jackets are always needed because no matter how good your swimming skills are, when you are in natural bodies of water, mother nature can turn an easy swim into an impossible one in the blink of an eye. We cannot always foresee rocks underwater, rip tides, wind conditions, water currents, health problems, physical injury, etc. Additionally, as an adult with many years of swimming under your belt, if you are having a few adult beverages at the beach, your drowning risk increases to 85%. So, here at Love Carissa Corporation, we are striving to help our communities understand to consider the unknown and try to prepare with a simple and direct approach.
Carissa Jo Babcock was born, May 4, 2006, in an Air Force Base hospital in Colorado. She was the first Grandchild to her Nanni and Papa who nick named her “Scooter”. She was the first Niece to some. She was a welcome and loved additional grandchild, great grandchild, and cousin to others. She was loved by so many family members and friends. She had a way to light up a room with her enthusiasm towards life! She liked to dance, fish, attend holiday events, dress up at Halloween, bright colors, rainbow leopard was her latest favorite. She loved the live mermaids at the Denver Aquarium and would cry when her mother would tell her it was time to go home at closing time. She loved traveling too! I really cant think of a time I ever heard her complain. She LOVED her family….all of them!
She drowned on August 28, 2015, at the tender age of 9. All the details about her drowning, are behind us and in our memory forever. I would like to focus on what we can do through our love for her so that her name is brought up in love and light rather than darkness, grief, blame, and finger pointing. She has behind her, several younger siblings who will see the legacy that has become their older sister. Jasmine, Owen, Callie and Jozlyn. Its very important that what they see in her name, is positive, inclusive and genuinely from the heart, as those things will become her in their eyes. Just know that a life jacket would have likely saved her life that day. Oh if only life had a rewind button. But it does not. SO please, find us on Facebook, like our page, donate, or contact us if you would like to volunteer at the Annual Scooters Rally! That is always the first Saturday in May and is put on by her grandparents as her birthday gift! All proceeds from their rally come to us and gets disbursed throughout our communities by way of Scooters Swim Scholarships, Life Jackets and Life Jacket Loaner Stations! As of 2024, we have donated over 2000 lifejackets and have been working with the Army Corps of Engineers to help them expand on their life jacket loaner stations on needed lakes. You make a difference and we need all of you!
Only in love and light is the legacy that lives on. Forever missed Carissa “Scooter”
How We're Helping
WE ARE A registered 501 (c) 3 non profit. That means your donation is tax deductible! With the help of our family and friends, we organize an annual "Scooters Rally" in honor of our grandaughter Carissa Jo, who drowned in a river, in the presence of 4 adults, when she was only 9. Our mission is to lower drowning statistics by raising awareness and giving our communities the tools they need to help our Kansas families to play safe in the water.

Life jackets are expensive, if you cannot afford them for your child, call me! Swim lessons are beyond financial reach for some. Drowning is silent and the grief is eternal! Please do not risk it. It takes less than two minutes for a child to drown. We are working everyday to make your your donations go directly to the public so they may have a chance to avoid being the next tragedy!

Thank You
Whether you help through donating life jackets, monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
Get Involved
Rally is always the 1st Saturday in May! Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team! Drowning is 100% preventable.